Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Visiting Graceland, Home of "The King"

We were staying on a campground on Graceland's property, so it was an easy walk over to take the tour of Elvis's home, property, Cars, Airplanes, and yes, his gravesite...

This is a well executed tourist experience, and there is more than enough to interest folks, that are not even Elvis fans. The tour is audio, self guided, and quite extensive.
Its clear that Elvis was an eccentric, and somewhat tortured man, a victim of his own success.

I really enjoyed the car collection, and found Elvis's airplane to be delightfully tacky! My Sis enjoyed the tour, and the souvenir shops, I even had a fried peanut butter and banana sandwich for lunch.

The day had scattered thunderstorms, and we got so lucky, every time it down poured, we were under cover... Here is a small selection of pics from our Graceland experience:

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