Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Hiking and off roading below Mt Rainier...

The dogs and I headed up from 15 feet above sea level to 3600 feet and hiked on the edge of Mt Rainier park. (he Dogs are not allowed on any trails in the park itself) The views were incredible, and the pics do not capture it well. .

The carbon glacier is still moving and melting, and the ice you see is hundreds of thousands of years old. The firs pics are of the mountain from 80 miles away. You can see Mt Rainier southeast of the city from all over on a clear day. It beckoned us to drive toward it and see it

The roads up there really tested my Truck, and I should probably have not pushed it, but the good ol' Benz handled it like a champ. It was a really beautiful day, and refreshing to the soul.

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