Monday, August 12, 2013

A Weekend in Wyoming

The pups and I stopped for the weekend in Sheradin Wyoming.

The weather has been hot, but not too hot. We got out to some trails and parks, i got some nature photos.

The folks in Wy were all really nice. The town is historical, old west meets new.

I enjoyed a visit to a local brewery, "blacktooth brewing".  This place is in an old car dealership. The beer was as good, or better then many in larger city's, so props to the brewers there.

I look forward to returning in the future when I do Yellowstone one day.

Not sure what the significance of this elephant was, but folks were taking pics by it, so we got in on it... 

Historic "Trails End Manor"

Hunting prairie dogs!

The pups love nature hikes!

Came across this Raptor's nest on one of our walks.

This Momma didi not like me and the Pups hanging out!

She began to try and lead us away from the nest... 

Then later, began to dive bomb me and the pups... was time to move back... 

Saw the big bird swoop to the river and catch a meal... 

Hard to imagine covering so many miles in one of these wagons!

Yeee Hawww!

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