Wednesday, August 28, 2013

6 Months on the road, One year since Mickey's surgery.

I am finally caught up on Blog updates... I worked last evening to upload pics and queue all these as the rain came in. I'm very happy to make this post, as its a celebration! 8/28/13...

This week marks six months since we left Santa Rosa!. It also marks one year since Mickey fell ill and had surgery to remove tumors and his spleen.!

I am celebrating these events, as first, Mickey was given only 3-6 months to live, according to his surgeons. And second, making it half a year and 12,000 miles without any major setbacks is amazing!

We are lucky, we are blessed.  I Thank all for their support!!! We will keep rolling, and have only learned to go a bit slower and take more time to get to know places and continue...

Its on to another year, and another 12,000+ miles together!!!


He is such a Good Boy!

Hard to believe this was taken 6 months ago! 

The "Rig", Rocciante' and Janice, have served us well so far!

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