Sunday, March 24, 2013

Wrapping up San Diego

Our visit to beautiful San Diego concluded with a full day spent working and playing on 'Fiesta Island' I setup the trailer, and we had a great day on the beach.
I noticed Brittney was really focused on something in the water a few times. After watching her, I realized, she's really amazed and hypnotized by Jet Skis.  This was really cute, as she does not ever sit still long, but watching the jet skis whiz back and forth had her sitting for 20 minutes or more... I'm pretty sure riding on one would not be her thing.
At the end of the day, we packed up, and I began our drive to Arizona.

We have been blessed to have had such a great first 3 weeks! I'll catch you up on the drive to AZ, and a bit on what we are up to here in Phoenix next time.
Be Well!

Last Day on Fiesta Island with the trailer in tow.

Brittney watching the Jet Skis...

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