The Journey to San Diego...
We left the Monteray area last Thursday and headed for San Diego.
En route, I got my first taste of a rural detour trying to head to Salinas, from Monteray, the direct route was closed, and the 'detour' led us in a vary large circle. Having always living in an area with 'alternate routes', it was frustrating, but i eventually settled back and enjoyed the ride, realizing i was in no hurry...
The weather got really rough, wind, rain, hail... We made it down the 101and to the 5 by nightfall, and slept at a truck stop on the I-5 and woke up surrounded by trucks on Friday morning, an unusual amount of trucks... We soon learned the I-5 was closed due to snow in the mountain pass, known as "the Grapevine".
I setup a small camp behind a burger place, and found a place for the dogs to run, while we waited for the snow to be cleared and the road opened.
Eventually the trucks began to clear out, and I followed them up into the sleet and snow.
At the rest stop at the top of the mountain, we got out and had some lunch. The Pups got to play in the show, which was a fun surprise.
After coming down the mountain and battling the LA traffic, we made it to San Diego, we found our campground and setup. We then had dinner, and a Root Beer float on the Beach! California is one of the few places you can do lunch in the snow and dinner in the sun on the sand!
We have been here on the Mission Bay and around the San Diego area since last Friday, the weather has been clear and in the high 70s and low 80s. I am back at work, and it has been quite a busy week, but we have a few more small adventures to share from the week here, bu almost have you all caught up.
Be Well,
They have only been in snow 4-5 times in their lives. |
She's so cute!... |
Campground on Mission Bay |
Pups exploring the coastline. |