Wednesday, April 24, 2013

San Antonio wrap up...

We finished our visit to Sn Antonio with a visit to the Alamo. It was very busy, and surrounded by tourist trap places. The town was getting ready for "Fiesta" week, and it was quite a scene.
The dogs are not allowed in, so I did not take the tour. I did review much of the placards and statues, and took some fun pics of the dogs. The shot in front of the Alamo was fun, as several folks also took shots of the dogs, impressed at how they pose for the

I stopped at the river walk on the way back to the truck, and had a snack and beer at Rita's on the River, a dog friendly place, with a fresh menu and real nice folks... Some strolling mariachis played for the next table, and the dogs and I really enjoyed them. A flock of Lmost tame finches lands on the table, and we're taking chips from the dogs! They were brave little birds.

Later on that evening, we headed to Augies Barbwire BBQ. YUMMY! My final meal out here was really good smoked pork sandwich, this was a fun place with a huge covered deck, and good, cold beer!

Well, that wraps up our short week in San Antonio!

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