Friday, January 10, 2014

Phoenix butterflies...

Got out withe family to the Butterfly Wonderland, a Conservatory/educational experience.

This is a really interesting and magical place that houses many species of butterflies from all over the world. My sister is a supporter and member of the conservatory. It is a large garden inside a greenhouse, and you need to be very careful. There was also a live display of many species emerging from their cocoons!
The kids wear bright colors to attract them to land on them. it is educational and quite beautiful. I have seen displays of butterfly's before, but never spent Time inside a display. Very cool. Thanks to my sister for the suggestion.

The pics don't do it justice. I will try to get some better ones from my sis and update this post one day.

Very fun.Check it out if in Phoenix/Scottsdale area someday!

Massive Greenhouse.

My nephew making new friends.

Niece admiring the beauty of nature.

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