Sunday, January 19, 2014

Spontaneous awesomeness, Getting to meet good ol Rock n rollers

Through a tip from my dad, thanks. I headed to new Braunfels, tax, where Rockabilly pioneers, Bill Haley Jr, and the Comets were set to play. My dad is buddies with the steel guitar player, and Comet verteran, Bill Turner. Bill setup an interview /conversation with me following the sound check at the Brauntex performing arts theater.
I took some photos, and recorded the discussion. My next post will detail this encounter.

Branchline brewing in SA

Later in the week,  me and the pups headed out in the to Branchline. This is the newest brewery in the area celebrating their 1st anniversary this month.

David assisted us, even though this year they changed tap room hours, and were not really 'open' . I met the small team of brewers, was provided a tour of the small, but efficient operation, and tried all they had to offer. The crew all was as passionate about beer as anyone I have met.

The anniversary ale they  created was quite good. My favorite, and quite unusual was the Egg nog stout. This brew was served with a nitro tap, and went down creamy, smooth, and frothy, almost dessert like, but dry and toasty ending with a pleasant aftertaste.

These are some of the most unique brews I've come across in my travels, this place is worth keeping an eye on.

I liked it enough to look for the beer in taprooms, and even found them in New Braunfels over the weekend. Check it put if in SA, thanks, Branchline! I am a fan.

Blue Star Brewing in SA.

I headed out to the blue star art community, and the first microbrewery in San Antonio, blue star.

There is a restaurant and bar and the beer is served right from the big tanks. There was a lively group, which I learned were headed to the spurs game, once they departed, it got mello. My server Sahul, guided me through ten beers on the menu, and poured several tasters.

I really enjoyed the raspberry, and the barley wine. I'm not usually a fan of barley wine, but this was well rounded, toasty, and quite agreeable to my pallet.
One of the highlights of my visit was the food. The pork belly BLT was on of the best sandwiches I've had, I even took a photo after the first few bites.
After returning home, I wished I had bought a take out bottle, which is a sign of a great brewery.

The art community around the brewery is worth checking out, lots of local artisans very vibrant.

Long, cold drive to San Antonio.

Long, cold drive to San Antonio.

Well, we're well on our way now. It was brutally cold crossing Texas, followed by a few days of rain. We holed up in San Antonio till the weather cleared.

En route, i almost tangled with a deer on the highway at dusk. We came so close to hitting it, the sideview extension mirror was knocked off the truck. We later saw deer at a local park in San Antonio, i posted some pics here. 

The rv park there has lots of room For the pups and since my tanks froze, clean facilities for me to use till they thawed.
I will next post about a couple of breweries I visited in SA. The oldest micro brewery, followed by the newest. Both are blog worthy.

Phoenix wrap up.

Wrapping up the Phoenix Visit...

I wrapped up the year with a great seafood dinner and night out. The first few days of 2014 was spent packing, cleaning and preparing for the next journey.

Spending 6 weeks playing, dating. Making music, partying,and loving set the tone for a wonderful 2014!!! Thanks again to all,it's off to Texas with us....

Stylin' Out on NYE.

AZ SUNSET in North Phoenix.

Christmas with the family

I spent the holiday with my sister and her family. It was wonderful. And I really got to be part of the magic of Christmas. I parked the trailer out front and enjoyed being part of " team Santa".
Not having children myself, I really soaked the magic in.

"Uncle Rob" got the kids a basketball hoop fort eh driveway, it was a big hit, and As a result, I shot more hoops those days than in years prior. A scene that is very entertaining to those that know me well, and know I'm not very athletic. Being active in the 68 degrees on Christmas was really fun.

 I thank the entire family for the experience this holiday, I will never forget it.

Friday, January 10, 2014

A visit to Sedona.

Hey all,

As usual, We headed up to Sedona for a visit.  Sedona is one of my favorite places in the world.

We got to experience snow at the red rocks! Well. a little snow, but it was very cool.

Spent the weekend at the 'Inn of Sedona', enjoyed some good food and walks, and some great company...

I got out for a hike and picture taking during the afternoon.   As usual, I got quite a few of the pups. Enjoy.

coffeepot rock

Turned out to be a great day for photos.

Tuckered Pups at the Hotel.
I liked this Guy, had to get a pic.

They are Just such GOOD DOGS!

Chihuly in the Garden.

Another Arizona outing to share with you all...

The desert botanical garden hosts a display of Dale Chihuly glass displays. While the garden itself is rather impressive, using it as a backdrop for these massive glass art displays is magical.

You may remember I am a fan of this medium and artist from my postings in Seattle... While Dale is considered a 'mainstream' artist and much of the work is done by his team. The size and scope of these installations is just amazing to me, and i just have not seen anything comparable in my travels. Very Cool!

I got out with my lady friend on a nice afternoon and enjoyed the vibrant and colorful installations.

Here is a series of pics, that don't quite do the displays justice. Enjoy!!