Friday, July 19, 2013

NJ Visit continued, Fun, Family and Friends...

My visit continued through this week. The doggies and i enjoyed time with the family over the weekend and took a trip to the aquarium on Sunday. I began to pack out and account for all my stuff and prepare the truck and trailer for rolling again.

Here's some various shots from the NJ visit. Thanks all for hosting or joining us on our adventure.
Brittney and  Nephew at Mom's

Nephew's 5th Birthday Bowling Party

Blowin out candles on the cake!

The littlest kids were popular with the pups... 

Rob n Nephews

Lasagna Night! 

Havin Birthday cake.

My Birthday Cake!

Blowin out the candles for the 41st Birthday party!

"Uncle" Rob n the newest Nephew!

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