Thursday, July 25, 2013

A few days in Ohio...

We spent a few days in Ohio, as I wanted to return to the rock and roll hall of fame in Cleveland. The campground was in the countryside, and we had a great time hiking around and discovering ponds and trails and lakes.

I had get get a repair for the trailer, as unfortunately, I dragged the trailer connection cable through part of Pennsylvania, which took out the trailers turn signals. We stayed in Streetsboro, south of Cleveland. I found a mobile RV repair service "on the spot" RV repair. The proprietor, Mike came to the campsite and took me to get the part, and had us all fixed up by mid day.

I took a trip to Canton, OH that evening to the Pro Football hall of fame. It is a really nice facility, with many interesting exhibits. While I am more of a casual football fan, the displays and layout kept me interested and many interactive displays with video and audio added to the experience. I found the  football technology and history of the safety equipment very interesting, it's amazing what football started with, compared to now.

I'll add the Rock n Roll hall of fame as a separate post.

The pups exploring an old firetruck

Someone painted this rock to look like a sleeping pig.. 

The Football Hall of Fame.

A Super fancy facility, with many interesting displays!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Wrapping up the family visit.

After enjoying the 4th holiday week with my sister, we are again rolling, and headed west now.

I thank my sister and brother in law for a great stay in the Hudson valley of New York. The time spent with family and getting to know the newest member of the family, my new nephew, is priceless.

While it was very hot and humid all week, and I stayed near home to work most of the week, we did venture out on Friday for an outdoor lunch with the dogs. We dined at the Kittlehouse, an old restored mansion with a great restaurant. The food and service was incredible, but I admit it was almost too hot to enjoy it that day. I again thank my sis and bro in law for choosing the place and being willing to do an outing with the dogs. Thank You!

More Karaoke with the Kids.

The Kittlehouse in Chappaqua, NY

Doggies dined with us, It was HOT!

Fine Dining in the Heat!

My Beautiful Sister.

Encouraging Music Appreciation. 

I love the matching outfits on my nephews, what cute cousins!

Departing the East coast! THANKS ALL!!!

The Family Reunion weekend.

Hi All,

The weekend prior to the 4th, My sister and brother in law hosted a weekend long family reunion. It was great to see everyone and catch up. Many of the folks i had not seen in over 10 years.

Thank you to all that made it out! I had a blast. And super thanks to my Sis and Brother in Law for hosting the parties, it was quite an undertaking!

The pictures speak for themselves!

Friday, July 19, 2013

NJ Visit continued, Fun, Family and Friends...

My visit continued through this week. The doggies and i enjoyed time with the family over the weekend and took a trip to the aquarium on Sunday. I began to pack out and account for all my stuff and prepare the truck and trailer for rolling again.

Here's some various shots from the NJ visit. Thanks all for hosting or joining us on our adventure.
Brittney and  Nephew at Mom's

Nephew's 5th Birthday Bowling Party

Blowin out candles on the cake!

The littlest kids were popular with the pups... 

Rob n Nephews

Lasagna Night! 

Havin Birthday cake.

My Birthday Cake!

Blowin out the candles for the 41st Birthday party!

"Uncle" Rob n the newest Nephew!

A visit to the NJ Adventure Aquarium

On Sunday, Most of the family went to the Aquarium. It was great fun watching the kids of different ages enjoying the experience, and maybe learning a little something.
I really liked the shark tunnel, and so did several of the kids.
Check out the Photos...

The gang at the Aquarium.

Ben Franklin Bridge

The Youngest enjoying the Fish!


The Shark Tunnel

Rob N Sis's


He's Havin a blast!

The Kids foolin around

The Family on the Waterfront