Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Visiting the Johnson Space center and Mission Control.

I took a 1/2 day at work, and headed out this week to Houston's Johnson Space center. This place houses the historical, and current , mission controls. Also here is the Space Vehicle development center, Very cool.
I touched a part of the moon.

Got to see and touch the Apollo Rocket.

Finished out the visit to Texas with a visit to the Johnson space center and mission control.
This was one of the best educational stops I've made. A huge facility, and you witness NASA folks at work planning the next missions, either to the space station, or eventually to Mars.
I got to touch a piece of the moon, as well as the actual Apollo rocket.
They have preserved mission control as it was in the 60s. You see it as it was for the Apollo missions.

Great experience, great facility.

*Note - many good photos are 'stuck' on the memory card from my phone. I am still trying to recover them.

The pups were not allowed in, but posed out front.

This is really one of the Shuttles. It will be part of a large display later this year.

The Dogs waited for me in the RV while i did my tour. They are sooo good, and cute!

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