Wednesday, June 25, 2014

An evening Gambling on the Gulf in Mississippi

On the way out of the Bayou, I stopped and Hung out in Gulfport for the night.

Walked the dogs on the frozen beach. Yes, there was ice on the palms at the gulf of mexico, not what i expected.

I parked at a casino for the night, Played some cards, got great fish and chips. I will probably visit this area again one day, hopefully with better weather.

Exploring the Quarter with the pups.

The dogs really liked exploring Bourbon street and the quarter. With hundreds of years of smells, and lots of food being dropped by the tourists, they were in heaven. Due to the French influence, Nola is quite dog friendly.


The little birds were trying to land on Mickey to get at the powdered sugar and crumbs!

Begging Birds at the Beignet place.

The Coffee Shops have these little Sugar-Addicted birds all around.

Puppys after a hrd night of Partying in the Quarter!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Jazz on the Rocks.

Jazz on the Rocks - A Walking tour of Jazz and cocktail history...

We enjoyed this tour, even though thee weather was awful, and the guide obviously had to alter his presentation to accommodate the weather.

A great presentation and discussion of Jazz history, while taking in several bars and lounges and trying native cocktails. The tour includes listening to music from the different artists, checking out several of the oldest establishments, and a discussion in the Old Opera House, which is now a hotel.

I tried a real hurricane, a gin fizz thing, and a sazerac... (Which I now order if i want a cocktail, and to make the bartender work for it) and i think one other i don't remember - They make drinks strong in NO, and when the guide knows the bartender, even stronger, I got rather buzzed, and had to have my companion ensure we ate and got a cab home successfully. I was just along for the ride at that point! We had a meal at a Louisiana restaurant, all was great. She got me back to the RV Resort , will always be a fond memory, even if i don't remember all of it!

Will provided a great experience, we also really enjoyed the company of Jeff an Australian visitor and lover of jazz, the only other person brave enough to do the tour in the bad weather.
The tour guys that presented this tour do several, and we recommend them.

*Special Thanks again to my Lady for setting this tour up. I had a blast. 

Due to the weather, and my dissolving wits as I tried all the cocktails, We did not get very good pics.
Here are some misc Pics from the Quarter.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Louis Armstrong park and Congo square. NOLA

This city park is dedicated to the famed trumpeter and jazz mc, Louis Armstrong.

A beautiful mix of squares, art, water features and landscaping. It is home, literally to the birthplaspce of all American music. Congo square was the first place people of color could gather in the us, hundreds of years before anywhere else.  The musicians of the time would come to the square to play their instruments to the various African beats merging for the dropouts at Congo square. This mix of styles became early jazz, and all American music with the exception of native of course, started there.

Saw a New Orleans wedding in the park.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Great Company in Nola, braving some rough weather

I was very happy to have my lady friend join us in NO.

The weather got unusually cold and wet, and our fist day was stuck in the rv. We went out the next night and braved the walking tour we had planned.

Here are some pics... 

Bourbon St

One of the oldest places in the country, a stable turned into a  bar.

Many Old Churches in the French Quarter, this is one of the oldest.

The Street musicians were entertaining!

Thought this Folk instrument was really funny, asis the angle that this shot is taken!

Chilling out having Coffee with my Lady!
beignets!!!! mmmm!

Unprecedented weather made for quite an adventure!

Rare Ice and Hail in New Orleans!

Broke out the Heavy Rain gear for the pups!

They don't see this more than every 50-100 years !